Me, Pablo and his friend, a sports photographer who we have under the pseudonym Spinnaker Sale, were returning from a wild beach when we saw this lemon-yellow sunset overlooking the Yuzhnoye …
This photoset is one of 25 taken during the longest photo day (from early morning to late evening on 09/07/2019), which was also published on the author’s website of Pablo Incognito in the online photo exhibition “PHOTO ONE DAY” (03/29/2021 – 04/11/2021) :
In 4 minutes, while this nude photo session was going on, I was pretty much bitten by mosquitoes (although it was more correct to say they bitten me, because it was terribly painful, almost unbearable, but I endured what you just couldn’t do for the sake of a good photo against the backdrop of a magical sunset).
There were a lot of mosquitoes there, all because of the fresh water of the lake and reeds – their favorite habitat. In fact, they also bit photographers (between the clicks of the camera shutters, I heard an indignant “Ouch!”). But I got the most, probably because I was naked, beautiful or tasty 🙂
On that warm autumn day, I managed to pretty “fry” and this is amazing – my skin is perfectly tolerant of the sun. But not at this time!
My crimson tan matched perfectly with the lemon-blue sunset, and, thanks to this, the photographs became harmonious both in color and in emotional coloring.
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