In a very snobbish way, Pablo called this photoset “The Art of Erotic Posing”! But, he is right, I tried to seduce him, tried to please him at that moment.

It was an open flirtation, and a little arrogant. I wanted him to fall in love with me again and more!

And I hope this is not only visible, but also felt when you look at these photos.

As the “insta-divas” say, every girl has her own “working side” :). Someone may have it, but in my experience, there is no “working side”. It only seems to us that the photo of the right side of the face, the foreshortening from above, the languid glance from under the brows look erotic.

A woman is a harmonious creature with charisma. You just need to believe in it and learn to use it, this very charisma.

And now, what is amazing! Photos that I personally do not like, other people like. And I realized that you shouldn’t get hung up on a particular pose.

You need to try to be different:

  • sexual ?
  • funny ?
  • sad ?
  • angry ?

The main thing is to be emotional.

And do not forget that the mood in the frame corresponds to the plot of the photoset. And if this is a nude photoset, then it should be erotic. This is what you need to strive for!

Nobody likes the soulless dolls in the photo, even if they are perfect. People are drawn to open and emotional faces, with charisma and mystery. So, girls, experiment with images and emotions, your face and body are plasticine, you can mold from it whatever you want to show and share with others.

The most important thing in all behavior and in photography in particular is emotion! Believe it or not – they are completely transmitted to those who look at these photos.

P.S. I realized! This photoset is so pathetically named because I’m wearing a little black dress, a hat with a veil and champagne. And against the backdrop of a beautiful rotunda column… 🙂

Iren Adler

2 Responses

  1. Lerson
    | Reply

    Ирен прекрасно позирует!
    Чувствуется профессионализм!

  2. Alp
    | Reply

    Irene is a perfect woman, I can’t get enough of her pictures …

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