Pablo and I love Odessa very much for its convenience and brightness. Wherever you look, there is a great location everywhere. Especially for our genres – “Nude”, “Glamor” and “Pinup“.
To shoot this photoset, we had to get up at 2 am, pack up and drive 150 kilometers to be near the Vorontsov Colonnade at 6 am. At night it is very beautifully illuminated and looks simply majestic. We rushed along the highway and hoped to have time to shoot the plot in the yellow light of a street lamp against the backdrop of a backlit colonnade.
Arriving at the place, we admired the architectural masterpiece in the light of lanterns and discussed the plot … Suddenly, at 05:45 in the morning, the street lighting turned off, and, of course, the most beautiful lighting :(. The first reaction – we were upset. But decided to start shooting anyway!
There are too many spectators. We try not to shock random passers-by and prefer to be photographed so that no one even knows what is really going on. But the audience is, how can it be without it! We take pictures on the streets, in parks, on the beaches.
Such troubles are common in our genre! You plan, pick up a dress, come up with a plot for the location and bam! Something is sure to get in the way.
Occasionally the weather fails. Although, this does not stop us. Some of the photo sessions took place in very unique weather conditions:
- at a temperature of + 11 ° С (photoset “Park near Deribas. 3. At Polsky descent.” — pay attention to the people in jackets in the background. Or also the photoset “Fantasy in the park. Cold.” — the air temperature is transmitted through the mood of the muse and through black and white color of photographs)
- In the rain (photoset “On the benefits of walking in the rain and passing cars!” – when you really want to shoot a photo story with an umbrella)
- into the fog (photoset “Out of the foam … Aphrodite” — + 16 ° С, wind and fog will not stop a real nude model from acting in a masterpiece, from which a gorgeous erotic poster will be made, which you can buy in our “Boutique“)
- in a strong wind (“I love short dresses, especially on the bridge!” — gusty wind literally tears off clothes frantically)…
I got a little distracted 😉 .
So it’s 5:45 am. Vorontsov Colonnade. And I, naked, in stiletto heels and a shawl of silver sequins. I am photographed “nude” against the background of the old colonnade and the modern seaport bridge.
I was so inspired by the tall columns that I wanted to stretch into the sky behind them! Perhaps that is why my body looked especially elegant against the background of the structure 🙂 .
Despite a very early morning, we were not the only visitors to this historic site. During our photoset, several people passed with their pets, lovers, comfortably sitting on the steps, met the sunrise (then we realized that in Odessa, citizens and city guests love to meet the sunrises – the sun rises beautifully over the sea). Also, two girls filmed a video for Tiktok or YouTube – one danced beautifully, the other filmed on her smartphone, singing along and dancing. They tried not to interfere with us and we also tried not to get into the frame of them 🙂 .
Odessans are very calm about photo shoots, even if they are shocking or bolder than usual. You can walk in a crowded place in a transparent dress, under which there is no underwear and the naked body is clearly visible, people will not be shocked (I checked it myself 🙂 !).
Surprisingly, this was the first time when, posing naked in a crowded place, I was absolutely calm. I wasn’t even distracted by covering myself up in time. I was completely absorbed in what was happening, and this photoset turned out to be so light and beautiful. We shot many great shots and selected the best of the best for you to convey to you the incredible feeling that we experienced then!
After filming this episode, I changed into another outfit and we went to the Potemkin Stairs to walk in a transparent dress, dressed on a naked body. But I will write about this next time.
There were also other interesting locations where we filmed equally interesting scenes in original images. After all, it was a whole photo day, which ended with a swim in the sea on a nudist beach near the Chkalov Sanatorium.
I love such travel!
I love Nude photo fitness!
Живая скульптура! Фея колоннады Воронцовского дворца!
great work ,
supermodel Irene,
congrats both…
На столько ярко передаёте образ! Не взирая на серость черно-белого снимка !