We were going to shoot this photoset in the spring. And, as usual, when you plan too carefully, then you just can’t start…

Given the peculiarities of the nude genre, we had to choose a time when the location was not crowded. Having analyzed the area of ​​the Central Market, in which there is a landmark of our city and the “sister” of the Eiffel Tower – our Nikolaev Shukhov Tower, there was only one option – early Monday morning. Markets are closed on this day.

In the spring we waited for summer to catch the dawn at 4 in the morning. There are no people, the sun is already high. But, we didn’t want to get up at 2 o’clock in the morning – then there is no mood, that is, there are more important things … In short, we postponed until the end of September.

Realizing that there is nowhere to put it off, and the weather still spoils us with the last warm days, we nevertheless decided. On the following Monday at exactly 7 am we were there. It turned out that it was not so early, this morning … There are many passers-by on the street. There is even more transport. But we are already here. We decided to shoot a mini-plot, and suddenly something erotic will turn out. In short, they trusted their luck.

The photo session lasted as much as 5 minutes! It is strange, because in Pablo’s portfolio there are photosets shot in 1 minute, for example, “I love this woman. Trumpet, how I love! “.

116 frames were filmed, from which this short sensual series in the genre “Nude” from Pablo Incognito has turned out.

P.S. To make the tower in the photoset the main character, I chose a modest outfit, did a discreet makeup and a classic bikini–haircut. I hope I did not overshadow one of the main attractions of our city 🙂 , although Pablo considers me to be a tourist attraction … and his photographs … This is how he is, my Pablo!

Iren Adler

Thanks for the comments (see under the photoset)!

3 Responses

  1. Сергей
    | Reply

    Потрясающе красиво снято! Модель просто шикарна! Такая сексуальность! Очень добавляет сексуальности (а для меня может и определяет) ее очень красивый небритый лобок! Любуюсь от души!!!!

    • Pablo

      Спасибо за искренний комплимент! “Небритость” лишь кажущаяся… Это таки стрижка 🙂

  2. Lerson
    | Reply

    Какая шикарная работа!!!!!!
    У вас великолепно получаются “засветы”!!!!!
    Развивайте и дальше это направление в творчестве!!!!
    И отдельное восхищение смелостью и красотой Ирен!!!!!

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